Blow it up... Dig it up... Grind it up...
Bag it up... and Ship it Out by Rail

Nevada Organic Phosphate Murdock Project

  • Politically safe, mining-friendly jurisdiction
  • Organic product, situated next to infrastructure (rail & road)
  • Strong exploration and development management team 
  • Experienced consultants in the distribution of organic input

Murdock Mountain Phosphate Deposit

  • Historic geologic mapping has traced the phosphate-rich bed over a strike length of 8km, with a potential average thickness of 3.35 metres at up to 15% P₂O₅.

  • 6 km from Southern Pacific railway and Hwy SR 30 and the hamlet of Montello   

  • Direct application ore – no uranium, thorium, or heavy metals (as observed in 95% of the world’s phosphate deposits) 

  • Very rare product type hosted by oolitic limestone  

  • Due to the fine grain size these oolitic sands, there is an optimum surface area for soil hosted micro-organisms to react 

The Advantages of Murdock Mountain

  • No processing to remove impurities or upgrade rock quality 
  • Limestone hanging/footwalls are calcite-rich ores 
  • P occurs as “francolite” which forms the most reactive crystallite structure of all P₂O₅ minerals  

Project Information

Fact Sheet (PDF)

Presentation (PDF)

43-101 Technical Report (PDF)

Qualified Person / Quality Control and Quality Assurance Robert Johansing, M.Sc. Econ. Geol., P. Geo., is a qualified person (“QP”) as defined by NI 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical content of this document.

Supporting ORGANIC Agriculture